Monday, January 29, 2007

on ebay

of course, we all know the power of EBAY, even for brands like OILILY, it's impact and potential to shape business decisions is incredible.

the Times of London has interesting story this weekend about the role of "shills" and fixed auctions on EBAY.

I can remember when it seemed EBAY was a "good" place and I am sure to some extent this type of thing has always happened. More and more, I am convinced that EBAY will have to come up with a more reliable "trust" mechanism or risk loosing their mainstream audience (and growth multiple in their stock).

between the shills and the couterfeit products (fake oilily! gasp!), is the few bucks you save on EBAY, really worth the risk?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Of course it is wroth the risk, specially if you know the collection you are buying from and the seller is trusted and have excellent feedback. As someone already said, MOST people CANNOT afford OILILY store prices....